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Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri - Università di Palermo in Palermo - Italy - Italian Language School for foreign students

In Italy


Language School
Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri - Università di Palermo
Address:Piazza Sant'Antonino, 1
Locality: Stazione Centrale
Palermo (Palermo)

Distance from school to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 20 minutes
Railway Station: 3 minutes
Airport: 30 minutes

Attractions near Palermo

The Italian Language School for Foreigners of the University of Palermo is situated in an ancient building dating from  the 17th century, the former convent of Sant'Antonino, recently restored. In fact, all the internal rooms are air conditioned and equipped with adequate equipment for teaching. It also contains the University Language Center (CLA). The central area where the school is located allows you to easily reach the central station and the historic market of Ballarò on foot, it is... more
Events posted by this school
Locality:Palermo Region:Sicily
Genre: Art
from: 16 July 2024
to: 30 August 2024
The innovative ItaStra's teaching method offers courses for every level. You will be able to study the Italian language and, depending on your level, you will be attending advanced grammar courses as well as courses on sociolinguistics of contemporary Italy. The courses will be held in presence. Our Summer School offers you one intensive course of 6 WEEKS for a total of 114 hours. The course is composed of 3 INDEPENDENT MODULES: Module I: July 16th – July 26th (online test no later than July 6th) - 38 hours
Module II: July 29tht - August 9th (online test no later than July 19th) - 38 hours
Module III: August 19th- August 30th (online test no later than August 9th) - 38 hours
very week: 4 in-class 4 hours meetings + two 2 hours afternoon guided tour with the teacher
Scuola di Lingua italiana per Stranieri - Università di Palermo

The School relies on  the collaboration of highly qualified university teachers with master's degree or research doctorate, who are always subjected to updating and evaluation courses by students and university teachers. The presence of university students of Italian native speakers interested in linguistic mediation favors greater and complete learning of the language in an informal context. This year, online courses have been introduced that allow immersion in the world and in Italian culture even from a distance.

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Language Summer School module III
Region: Sicily Locality: Palermo
from: 19 August 2024 Duration: 2 weeks
Availability and Prices Request
Summer School is an intensive study program for all levels. It is organized into three autonomous modules: FORM III 19-30 August 2024 Two weeks for each module. 38 hours of lessons per module. The three modules are independent of each other, you can therefore decide to enroll in the first and second module, or in the second and third, in just one module or in the entire program. Classes are held four times a week in the morning from 9.30am to 1.30pm. On Fridays external activities, educational visits and trips are organised.
Language Summer School 2024 MOD II
Region: Sicily Locality: Palermo
from: 29 July 2024 Duration: 4 weeks
Availability and Prices Request
Summer School is an intensive study program for all levels. It is organized into three autonomous modules: FORM II 29 July - 09 August 2024 The school will be closed from 10th to 18th August FORM III 19-30 August 2024 Two weeks for each module. 38 hours of lessons per module. A total of 6 weeks and 114 hours of Italian The three modules are independent of each other, you can therefore decide to enroll in the first and second module, or in the second and third, in just one module or in the entire program. Classes are held four times a week in the morning from 9.30am to 1.30pm. On Fridays external activities, educational visits and trips are organised.
Language Summer School 2024
Region: Sicily Locality: Palermo
from: 16 July 2024 Duration: 6 weeks
Availability and Prices Request
Summer School is an intensive study program for all levels. It is organized into three autonomous modules: FORM I 16-26 July 2024 FORM II 29 July - 09 August 2024 The school will be closed from 10th to 18th August FORM III 19-30 August 2024 Two weeks for each module. 38 hours of lessons per module. A total of 6 weeks and 114 hours of Italian The three modules are independent of each other, you can therefore decide to enroll in the first and second module, or in the second and third, in just one module or in the entire program. Classes are held four times a week in the morning from 9.30am to 1.30pm. On Fridays external activities, educational visits and trips are organised.
Accommodation options and costs:
Offered Courses:

Italian Language
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