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otto in cucina in Bologna - Italy - Cooking School

In Italy


Emilia Romagna
Emilia - Romagna
Cooking School
otto in cucina
Address:Via Del Gilgio 25/2
Locality: Bologna (Bologna)

Distance from school to:

(Using public transportation)
Railway Station: 20 minutes
Airport: 20 minutes

Attractions near Bologna

Bologna historic city with many monuments and museums to visit. The Towers of Bologna is one of the hallmarks of the city. Of the many towers that were built between the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, today there are less than twenty. Heart of the city, Piazza Maggiore. It is famous for the Fountain of Neptune, which is overlooked by the most important buildings of the medieval city: the fourteenth century Palazzo Comunale, the sixteenth-century Palazzo dei Bianchi and the imposing Basilica... more
otto in cucina

The largest cooking school in Bologna: 3 educational garden, outdoor courtyard with alcaldes room. Professional teachers in their field: chefs, pastry chefs, bakers and sfoglina. Courses are held with a limited number of participants to allow teachers to give special care of every aspect of the work done, all in an absolutely family pampers participants all the time. After each course we do a tasting of the prepared dishes accompanied by a glass of wine. We make various types of courses: cooking, pastry, bakery, sweets.


La nostra filosofia è quella di scegliere i docenti in base alla loro specializzazione, docenti professionisti nel proprio settore: chef, pasticceri, fornai e sfoglina.

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