In Italy
Language School
Address: | Via Robertini, 20 |
Locality: |
Galatina (Lecce)
Distance from school to:
(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 20 minutes
Railway Station: 10 minutes
Airport: 50 minutes
Attractions near Galatina
Salento, a middle ground, suspended between the Ionian Sea and the Adriatic Sea. The spaciousness of the sky, the unbridled sunshine, the vast horizons enhance the colors. More than 2000 square km of which 206 of coastal profile. Galatina is a pearl set in the Salento peninsula, with its ancient village and its urban fabric characterized by houses of a vaguely oriental type and mainly eighteenth-century architecture, of exquisite artistic refinement. City of art since 2004,it tells an ancient...
story through churches, palaces and courts. It houses the Basilica of Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, one of the most important monuments of Apulian Romanesque art dating back to the fourteenth century. Galatina is the symbol of Tarantism, which preserves the tradition of an ancient ritual. 12 km from the Ionian Sea and 20 km from the Adriatic Sea, is the ideal place for a study stay but also for fun.
The Messapia school is a small school, ideal for ensuring a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Messapia is located in a 17th century palace in Galatina, in the heart of Salento. The stay offers not only the teaching of the language but also the possibility of practicing it constantly through participation in cultural activities that encourage contacts between the participants. It offers various study programs, with traveling lessons in culture, folklore, crafts and dance, as well as interesting excursions in the Salento hinterland and cities in southern Italy.