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ALCE | Study Italian in Bologna in Bologna - Italy - Italian Language School for foreign students

In Italy


Emilia Romagna
Emilia - Romagna
Language School
ALCE | Study Italian in Bologna
Address:Via Santo Stefano, 164
Locality: Bologna (Bologna)

Distance from school to:

(Using public transportation)
Seaside: 60 minutes
Railway Station: 10 minutes
Airport: 20 minutes

Attractions near Bologna

There is a saying that the Bolognese do not realize how beautiful their city is. Actually, they are well aware of it! Bologna is the result of a magical and alchemic mixture of art and culture. It has 12 city museums, 1 national museum, 4 church museums, 4 private-owned museums, 16 University museums and an invaluable Jewish museum. But it is also a lively and cheerful place, brought alive by the thousands of university students who have been flocking to the Alma Mater Studiorum – the oldest... more
ALCE | Study Italian in Bologna

ALCE is a school that specialises in teaching the Italian language to overseas students. It was founded in 1999 with the simple goal of providing students with a comprehensive educational and cultural experience, within a friendly and encouraging environment. Each year we welcome students from all over the world and our wide range of italian courses is designed to meet their every need. Our teaching is sophisticated and uses multimedia technology, but one thing has and never will change and that is our insistence on the same high standards and the same warm welcome we gave when we started.

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Language Exxam prep
Region: Emilia - Romagna Locality: Bologna
from: 1 February 2025 Duration: 4 weeks
Availability and Prices Request
Course fact file: 18 years old+ 2,4 or 6 weeks • Level: according to targeted exam 30 hours: 20 hours of Italian in group in the morning + 10 hours of exam preparation specialisation 9 AM-1: 15 PM + 2-4 PM last 2 weeks before the exam 8 maximum per class • Starting dates: 2,4 and 6 weeks before each exam date (see pricelist for details)
Language Gi23
Region: Emilia - Romagna Locality: Bologna
from: 1 February 2025 Duration: 4 weeks
Availability and Prices Request
ENERAL INTENSIVE (GI 23) 23 hours per week Length: you can enroll from 2 weeks to an academic year It consists of 20 morning classes (of 60 min) per week plus 2 afternoon workshops per week. 4 lessons per day from 9 AM - 1: 15 PM 1 weekly afternoon Grammar Workshop 1 weekly afternoon lesson: conversation and phonetics rotational classes Daily homework and weekly self-study Regular test (written and spoken) every 2 weeks
Accommodation options and costs:
Host Family
Hotel - B&B
Offered Courses:

Italian Language
more info about Accommodations
more info about Courses

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