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Italian Language Schools and Cooking Schools for foreign students in Abruzzo

Latest Italian Schools

Corsi di italiano a Verona - veronetta129
Locality: Verona
Region: Veneto
Courses: Italian Language
Locality: Rome
Region: Lazio
Courses: Italian Language
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Scuola Virgilio
Locality: Trapani
Region: Sicily
Online Courses
Courses: Italian Language
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B


Italian Schools Cooking Schools

Italian Schools

Language School
Locality: Cupello (Chieti)
Region: Abruzzo

An integral part of our Italian Language and Culture Courses are excursions and guided tours. Each course is organized as follows: morning dedicated to lessons, afternoon dedicated to excursions,...

Courses: Italian Language, Cooking
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
Language School
Nuova Arcadia
Locality: Casalbordino (Chieti)
Region: Abruzzo

Nuova Arcadia Italian Language School for foreigners has its headquarters in Casalbordino, in a modern building in the centre of the town and in an elegant palace with meeting room and public library....

Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art, Photography
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Language School
inlingua school of languages
Locality: Pescara Region: Abruzzo

Inlingua School of Languages is a language training centre that has been operating in pescara for over 40 years and offers language courses for adults in all the European languages - English, French,...

Courses: Italian Language, Cooking
Accommodations: Host Family Hotel - B&B
Language School
Language Training
Locality: Cappelle Sul Tavo (Pescara)
Region: Abruzzo

He Language Training provides courses of Italian for foreigners lasting 100 hours, as well as courses of the major world languages ​​, specifically Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Persian, Russian,...

Courses: Italian Language
Language School
Locality: Pescara Region: Abruzzo

Partner of the Inlingua International Sprachschulen network, with headquarters in Bern, Inlingua Pescara has laid its foundations in the territory over 50 years ago, being from back then to this day...

Courses: Italian Language, Cooking
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Online Courses
Latest Courses:
- My Italian Summer! (8 weeks) until: 10 August 2024 more
Language School
image unavailable
inlingua Avezzano
Locality: Avezzano (Aquila)
Region: Abruzzo

Located in the heart of Avezzano, our school which has over 35 years of experience in the sector, is truly a point of reference for the city. Our courses, both individual and in groups, are given by...

Courses: Italian Language
Accommodations: Hotel - B&B

Cooking Schools

Cooking School
Sweetest School, scuola di cucina e pasticceria professionale
Locality: Pescara Region: Abruzzo

Sweetest is a professional training company in the cooking industry, which is specialized in pastry and cake design. Sweetest’s high level cake design courses are very professional and aim to train...

Courses: Amateur Professional
Cooking School
QUANTOBASTA Scuola di Cucina
Locality: L'Aquila (Aquila)
Region: Abruzzo

It is aimed at all those who intend to work in the future in this sector or who already work in the catering sector, allowing them to acquire the skills necessary to better face their profession, both...

Courses: Amateur Professional
Cooking School
ReD Academy - Scuola di Cucina
Locality: San Vito Chietino (Chieti)
Region: Abruzzo

Courses: Professional
Cooking School
image unavailable
Locality: Pineto (Teramo)
Region: Abruzzo

Hand-on cooking classes in english, market tour.

Courses: Amateur

Latest Courses in Italy

My Italian Menu
Luogo: Cagliari (CA)
dal: 5 August 2024
Duration: 1 weeks
Scopri i segreti, le ricette e la cultura di una delle cucine più amate al mondo! Struttura del... more
at: One World Italiano
Standard Course
Luogo: Cagliari (CA)
dal: 5 August 2024
Duration: 4 weeks
The Standard Course is perfect for those who want to combine a study experience with a holiday: in... more
at: One World Italiano
Italian Language And Culture Courses For Foreigner
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 26 August 2024
Duration: 2 weeks
Students can choose 20,40,60,or 80 hours of lessons. Each lesson lasts 55 minutes. Courses can be... more
at: Reggio Lingua
One-to-one Homestay Programs
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 1 August 2024
Duration: 6 days
One of our teachers will host the student and wil be at his/her disposal not only to offer regular... more
at: Reggio Lingua
Language culture
Italian Language Course Intermediate Level B2
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 26 August 2024
Duration: 4 weeks
Programme: enable you to interact with a native speaker without high difficulty in formal and... more
at: Reggio Lingua
Language culture

Latest Events in Abruzzo

Locality:San Vito Chietino (Chieti)

Genre: Other
from: 23 July 2024
to: 23 July 2024
Roots Tourism. Guided tour through the streets of the historic center of San Apollinare. You can visit noble palaces and churches. At the end of the walk, there will be the opportunity to taste our...
Posted by: Casa Flamminio
Presentation of the book
Locality:San Vito Chietino (Chieti)

Genre: Art
from: 23 July 2024
to: 23 July 2024
Presentation of the book: "Foods of Misery".
Author: Aurelio Manzi. At the San Apollinare viewpoint. Tuesday 23 July 2024, from 9.30 pm. Free admission.

Posted by: Casa Flamminio
Presentation of the book
Locality:San Vito Chietino (Chieti)

Genre: Other
from: 22 July 2024
to: 22 July 2024
Presentation of the book La Matriosca, a 33 rpm book. By Orlando Volpe. Books and music under the stars. At the Teatro due Pini. In San Vito Chietino.
Posted by: Casa Flamminio
Show by Tommaso & the Fa
Locality:Torino Di Sangro (Chieti)

Genre: Other
from: 21 July 2024
to: 22 July 2024
Show by Tommaso and the Fantasy Group. Near Torino di Sangro, Ivan Graziani roundabout. Sunday 21 July 2024 from 9.30 pm. Lots of music and dancing. For info and booking: tel. 320 - 1450202
Posted by: Casa Flamminio
Locality:Pescasseroli (Aquila)

Genre: Concerts
from: 7 August 2024
to: 19 August 2024
The "Tra Note e Monti" festival offers eight prestigious events dedicated to classical music in an evocative context, among the mountains, in the light of the sunset, in an extraordinary dimension....
Posted by: Mediamover
Locality:Casalbordino (Chieti)

Genre: Wine And Food
from: 25 July 2024
to: 27 July 2024
Ennio's Truffle in celebration. With chef Katia Bastonno. In Casalbordino in Piazza Umberto I
Event of: Ennio's Truffle e
Belvedere Agricultural Company. On 25,26 and 27 July 2024.
Posted by: Casa Flamminio
Locality:San Vito Chietino (Chieti)

Genre: Exhibitions
from: 25 July 2024
to: 28 July 2024
Simone Andrea presents: Art Exhibition "From stones. Ideas".
In the underground room adjacent to the Due Pini theater. With the patronage of the municipality of San Vito Chietino. From...

Posted by: Casa Flamminio
Locality:Lanciano (Chieti)

Genre: Concerts
from: 29 July 2024
to: 29 July 2024
CDM Voice School end-of-year essay. Event open to the public, free. Saturday 29 June 2024, from 8.30 pm. The evening will take place at the Santo Spirito Museum Center in Lanciano. The repertoire of...
Posted by: Casa Flamminio
Locality:Giulianova (Teramo)

Genre: Concerts
from: 26 July 2024
to: 28 July 2024
Caferza, with emotion and a hint of excitement, announce the arrival in Giulianova of the "27th Italian diatonic accordion and accordion championship". On 26,27 and 28 July our charming historic...
Posted by: Mirko
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