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Italian Language Schools and Cooking Schools for foreign students in Reggio-Emilia and nearby

Latest Italian Schools

Corsi di italiano a Verona - veronetta129
Locality: Verona
Region: Veneto
Courses: Italian Language
Locality: Rome
Region: Lazio
Courses: Italian Language
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Scuola Virgilio
Locality: Trapani
Region: Sicily
Online Courses
Courses: Italian Language
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B

Accommodations in Reggio Emilia

BeB Paduli
Locality: Reggio Emilia (Reggio-Emilia)
Region: Emilia - Romagna
bed and breakfast
2 Special Offers
Bed & Breakfast "Adrj"
Locality: Cavriago (Reggio-Emilia)
Region: Emilia - Romagna
bed and breakfast
Hotel Cristallo
Locality: Ventasso (Reggio-Emilia)
Region: Emilia - Romagna
3 star hotel
Italian Schools Cooking Schools

Italian Schools

Language School
Reggio Lingua
Locality: Reggio Emilia (Reggio-Emilia)
Region: Emilia - Romagna

Reggio Lingua is a specialized language center for teaching Italian language and culture to people of all ages and nationalities. It is authorized centre for CELI exams. We organize Italian courses...

Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Latest Courses:
- ELEMENTARY ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE A2 LEVEL (4 weeks) until: 14 August 2024 more
- PREPARATION COURSES FOR THE CERTIFICATION... (2 months) until: 7 August 2024 more
- ITALIAN LANGUAGE COURSE INTERMEDIATE LEVEL B2 (4 weeks) until: 25 September 2024 more
Language School
Locality: Reggio Emilia (Reggio-Emilia)
Region: Emilia - Romagna

The language school "Lingue & Culture s. R.l. ", located in the heart of prosperous and industrious city of Reggio Emilia, offers courses of Italian and Italian culture to foreigners, held by...

Courses: Italian Language, Cooking, Art
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
Online Courses

Cooking Schools

Cooking School
The Cooking Loft
Locality: Albinea (Reggio-Emilia)
Region: Emilia - Romagna

At the Spazio Torricelli The Cooking Loft has its premises, a place dedicated to the passion for cooking and to the practical preparation and tasting of both traditional recipes and also special and...

Courses: Amateur
Cooking School
Nonno Arnaldo
Locality: Reggio Emilia (Reggio-Emilia)
Region: Emilia - Romagna

Nonno Arnaldo is passion for the traditions of the past, for home-made emilian delicatessen, and for excellent meats. In the beautiful spaces of our shop we organize both amateur and professional...

Courses: Amateur Professional

Latest Courses in Reggio-Emilia

Italian Language And Culture Courses For Foreigner
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 26 August 2024
Duration: 2 weeks
Students can choose 20,40,60,or 80 hours of lessons. Each lesson lasts 55 minutes. Courses can be... more
at: Reggio Lingua
One-to-one Homestay Programs
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 1 August 2024
Duration: 6 days
One of our teachers will host the student and wil be at his/her disposal not only to offer regular... more
at: Reggio Lingua
Language culture
Italian Language Course Intermediate Level B2
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 26 August 2024
Duration: 4 weeks
Programme: enable you to interact with a native speaker without high difficulty in formal and... more
at: Reggio Lingua
Language culture
Elementary Italian Language Course A2 Level
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 15 July 2024
Duration: 4 weeks
15 hours per week from Monday to Friday. Programme: pronunciation, first elements of language... more
at: Reggio Lingua
Language culture
Preparation Courses For The Certification Exams
Luogo: Reggio Emilia (RE)
dal: 8 July 2024
Duration: 2 months
Reggio Lingua is one of the exam centers for CELI (Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language)... more
at: Reggio Lingua
Language culture
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Latest Events in Reggio Emilia

Locality:Novellara (Reggio-Emilia)
Region:Emilia - Romagna

Genre: Other
from: 31 October 2023
to: 31 October 2024
On October 31st the city of Novellara (RE), the small and ancient Gonzaga capital, will be transformed into the ideal place to spend the scariest night of the year with the second appointment of...
Posted by: Anna
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