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Recipe Pasta With Amatriciana - Summer Dish -

Cooking School

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Locality: Santa Croce Camerina (Ragusa)
Region: Sicily
Accommodations: Apartment

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Recipe Pasta With Amatriciana - Summer Dish -


180 grams of pasta, 180 grams of ripe tomatoes, 80 grams of pancetta, pecorino or parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil

Doses for: 2 persone realization time: 20 minutes


Let's start with pancetta. We cut 2 stricioline that we will keep to garnish the dish and the rest we will cut it into smaller strips. Let's put it to brown then in a pan with a little oil. Then cut the tomatoes in half or in 4 and then add the boiling water and toss the pasta. Remove the bacon from the pot by removing the fat and put the tomatoes in it with a little oil. When they are hot, remove them from the pan and put them in a bowl. Finely chop the pancetta so that it tastes even more with each bite. Meanwhile, the pasta is ready, drain it well and pour it into the bowl with the tomatoes, mix, pepper and also add the pancetta and the flaked cheese. We give a last stir and serve it decorating with the bacon held aside and other flakes of cheese. Enjoy your meal!

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