Recipe Poor Spaghetti
320 grams of spaghetti, 100 grams of anchovies in oil, 80 grams of red onions, 30 grams of salted capers, 100 grams of pitted Taggiasche olives, 1 clove of garlic, 2 fresh chillies, parsley to taste, 40 grams of breadcrumbs, 40 grams of extra virgin olive oil.
Doses for: 4 persone
realization time: 25 minutes
To prepare poor spaghetti, start by putting a pot with plenty of salted water on the stove, where you will cook the pasta. Then think about the sauté: finely chop the red onion and the garlic clove. Then take a large frying pan, pour in the extra virgin olive oil until it almost covers the bottom and add the onion and garlic, just chopped. Fry for a few minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom of the pan. When the water has come to a boil, toss the pasta and let it cook for the time indicated on the package. Rinse the capers well under running water to free them of excess salt and chop them coarsely, then add them to the mixture, mix and add the anchovies. Remove the chillies from the seeds, then chop them coarsely and add them to the pan. Cook over low heat, stirring often, until the anchovies have melted. If necessary, stretch with a ladle of pasta cooking water. Toast the breadcrumbs: take a frying pan, pour in a bit of oil and then add the breadcrumbs. Toast it, stirring until golden: at that point remove it from the heat and transfer it to a small bowl. Return to the dressing, which will now be ready: add the chopped taggiasche olives and add it to the pan, stirring to mix well. Drain the pasta al dente, keeping a little of the cooking water aside, and pour it into the pan with the sauce. Stir and sauté the spaghetti for a minute, then add the breadcrumbs. Add a ladle of cooking water and mix well before serving. Your poor spaghetti is ready to be tasted!