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Recipe Baked Tomato And Mozzarella Penne

Cooking School

Viaggiando nel Gusto
Locality: Santa Croce Camerina (Ragusa)
Region: Sicily
Accommodations: Apartment

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Recipe Baked Tomato And Mozzarella Penne


400 grams of penne, 500 grams of peeled tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 tablespoon of lard, 300 grams of ricotta, 200 grams of mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil as required, 1 sprig of basil, salt to taste, grated Parmesan cheese how much enough, enough butter (to grease the pan).

Doses for: 4 persone realization time: 1 hours and 0 minutes


Put oil in a baking dish, add 1 tablespoon of lard (optional) and light the fire. Chop an onion and add it to the pan by lowering the heat. Brown the onion for a few minutes and add the peeled tomatoes and a sprig of basil. Crush the tomatoes while cooking, add salt and cook over low heat until the sauce has coagulated. Meanwhile, boil the water for the pasta. When the sauce is thickened, add water and pour the pasta. Do not finish cooking the pasta but drain it a couple of minutes before. When the pasta is almost ready, pour the ricotta into a large bowl and mix it with a tablespoon of sauce. Drain the pasta directly into the bowl and mix by adding plenty of grated Parmesan. Grease a baking mold and pour half the dough. Add the sliced mozzarella, a little sauce and cover with the rest of the pasta. Cover with more sauce and other Parmesan. Bake at 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Let stand 10-15 minutes before serving.

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