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Recipe English Soup

Cooking School

Viaggiando nel Gusto
Locality: Santa Croce Camerina (Ragusa)
Region: Sicily
Accommodations: Apartment

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Recipe English Soup


A sponge cake, 400 grams of milk, 100 grams of cream, 4 egg yolks, a vanilla bean, alchermes, 140 grams of sugar, 45 grams of corn starch

Doses for: 4 persone realization time: 30 minutes


Let's start heating the milk in a saucepan. Then add the cream. With a knife we get the vanilla pulp and the pod we infuse it into the milk. In a bowl, whisk the egg yolks with the sugar, adding the vanilla. Then we combine the sifted starch and a little milk, mixing well. At this point we can pour it all into the milk and cook over low heat, always stirring with a whisk. After cooking, we separate the cream into two bowls, in one we add the chopped chocolate and turn. The chocolate with the heat of the cream will melt. Now cut the sponge cake into slices and make a layer in a single-dose container, then soak it with alchermes, then a layer of cream with chocolate and one with normal cream. We proceed in the same way with the layers until the container is full, then we pulverize with bitter cocoa and put it in the fridge for about a couple of hours.

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