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Individual Italian Course 20 Lessons Per Week in Verona from 24 June 2024

Latest Italian Schools

Corsi di italiano a Verona - veronetta129
Locality: Verona
Region: Veneto
Courses: Italian Language
English Studio
Locality: Verona
Region: Veneto
Online Courses
Courses: Italian Language
Accommodations: Apartment Hotel - B&B
Locality: Verona
Region: Veneto
Online Courses
Courses: Italian Language
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
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Accommodations in Verona

Hotel Villa Cariola
Locality: Caprino Veronese (Verona)
Region: Veneto
3 star hotel
Hotel Villa Cariola
Locality: Caprino Veronese (Verona)
Region: Veneto
3 star hotel
Hotel Villa Cariola
Locality: Caprino Veronese (Verona)
Region: Veneto
3 star hotel
Hotel Villa Cariola
Locality: Caprino Veronese (Verona)
Region: Veneto
3 star hotel
Language Individual Italian Course 20 lessons per week
Region: Veneto Locality: Verona
from: 24 June 2024 Duration: 15 hours
Availability and Prices Request
INDIVIDUAL ITALIAN LESSONS - 20 LESSONS Our courses are taught with the direct communicative method in which only the target language is employed even at the lower levels. Our courses aim at conversational skills and stimulate the student to speak under the teacher’s guidance. Our teachers are all native tongue speakers, and trained in the inlingua method. Inlingua Verona offers: INDIVIDUAL COURSES: Individual courses begin throughout the year and have a duration period which reflects the needs of the student. Individual courses can meet for a minimum of 1 lesson per week, up to 8 lessons per day. To complete one full level of language skills a student needs to complete 40 to 60 lessons. The pace is determined by the intensity and the frequency of the course lessons. There is flexibility in the course organisation, with a minimum 10 lessons of 45 minutes, personalised programme, my. Lab platform (3 months); Lessons can be done Monday through Friday 08.00-22.00 and Saturday 08.00-13.00,online with Skype, Webex, Zoom, or at the school, with the necessary health measures. OUR METHOD The objective of the inlingua method https: //inlinguaverona. It/metodo-e-programmi/ is to help the student to communicate in the foreign language in the best way possible. The teacher conducts the lesson exclusively in the target language. PLACEMENT TEST Our free online placement test will help determine your skill level. Complete the test and receive your level immediately without any commitment. You will then be able to choose the perfect language course for your situation. Go to https: //my. Inlingua. Com/placementtest/adaptive? Center=verona&lang=it and choose VERONA as the centre. Your test result will be sent to you and us. OUR PROGRAMS inlingua Verona has exclusive programs: general, business, or personalised topics. Our centre also helps prepare for the PLIDA exam a Certificate for the Italian language (valid also for the Permesso di Soggiorno and the request for Citizenship). Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions.

Latest Italian Schools

Region: Veneto
Online Courses
Courses: Italian Language Cooking Art
Accommodations: Host Family Apartment Hotel - B&B
Mogliano Veneto
Region: Veneto
Courses: Amateur
Accommodations: Apartment
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